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360 Feedback Examples: 58 Real-World Examples

Explore our comprehensive guide to 360 feedback, featuring 58 detailed examples across key competencies.

Learn to give and interpret feedback effectively, enhancing performance and development in any organizational setting.

examples of 360 feedback


Effective communication is fundamental to both personal and professional success.

In the context of 360-degree feedback, assessing communication skills can provide valuable insights into how individuals interact with their peers, managers, and direct reports.

Here, we explore various aspects of communication through specific examples:

Listening Skills

  1. Actively Listens Without Interrupting
    • Example: During team meetings, John consistently allows others to speak without interjecting. He maintains eye contact, nods in understanding, and never cuts off speakers, showing respect and encouraging open communication.
    • Explanation: This behavior demonstrates active listening, fostering a culture of respect and collaboration.
  2. Asks Clarifying Questions to Ensure Understanding
    • Example: Sarah frequently asks questions such as, “Can you explain further what you mean by…” or “Did I understand correctly that…?” during discussions.
    • Explanation: Asking questions not only clarifies the information but also conveys to the speaker that their message is important, enhancing mutual understanding.

Verbal Communication

  1. Clearly Articulates Ideas and Thoughts in Meetings
    • Example: Whenever Tom presents in meetings, he speaks clearly and structures his points logically, making it easy for the team to follow his ideas.
    • Explanation: Clear articulation helps in reducing misunderstandings and ensures that ideas are conveyed effectively.
  2. Uses Simple Language to Explain Complex Concepts
    • Example: Emma regularly deals with complex data and has the ability to explain her findings in simple terms that non-experts can easily understand.
    • Explanation: The ability to demystify complex ideas is crucial for cross-functional collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Written Communication

  1. Writes Concise, Action-Oriented Emails
    • Example: Mark’s emails are brief and to the point. He uses bullet points to highlight actions needed and specifies deadlines clearly.
    • Explanation: Concise writing that drives action can significantly enhance productivity and reduce time spent on lengthy communications.
  2. Creates Detailed Reports That Are Easy to Follow
    • Example: Lisa compiles monthly performance reports that are well-organized, with clear headings, concise summaries, and visual aids like charts and graphs to ensure readability.
    • Explanation: Well-crafted reports can aid in better decision-making and are essential for keeping stakeholders informed with necessary insights.

This section of the guide underscores the importance of both receptive and expressive aspects of communication.

Effective communication is essential for fostering an environment where ideas flow freely, collaboration is encouraged, and all voices are heard.

By providing clear examples and explanations, this guide aims to help individuals recognize and emulate effective communication behaviors in their professional interactions.

examples of 360 feedback


Leadership is a critical function in any organization, influencing culture, driving change, and delivering results.

Effective leaders inspire their teams, set clear goals, and guide their organizations through challenges.

In 360-degree feedback, evaluating leadership skills helps identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Here are several examples of leadership competencies:

Visionary Leadership

  1. Communicates a Clear Vision that Motivates Team Members
    • Example: Rachel frequently shares her vision for the department during team meetings, linking day-to-day work with the larger goals of the company. She uses storytelling to make the vision relatable and inspiring.
    • Explanation: A leader’s ability to articulate a clear and compelling vision is crucial for keeping the team motivated and focused on common objectives.
  2. Sets Strategic Goals in Line with the Organization’s Objectives
    • Example: Mike develops annual goals that not only align with the organization’s objectives but also challenge his team to grow. He ensures these goals are measurable and attainable, fostering a sense of achievement and progress.
    • Explanation: Strategic goal-setting ensures that the team remains on a path that contributes to the broader success of the organization while fostering professional development.

Team Leadership

  1. Fosters a Collaborative Team Environment
    • Example: Emma promotes teamwork by organizing regular brainstorming sessions where all team members are encouraged to voice their ideas and solutions. She recognizes contributions and ensures that credit is shared equally.
    • Explanation: Encouraging collaboration enhances team cohesion and leverages diverse perspectives for better solutions.
  2. Resolves Conflicts Effectively and Fairly
    • Example: When conflicts arise, John acts promptly to mediate discussions between the parties involved. He listens to each side, remains neutral, and helps them find common ground or a compromise.
    • Explanation: Effective conflict resolution prevents disputes from disrupting team dynamics and maintains a healthy work environment.

Decision Making

  1. Makes Decisions Based on a Mix of Analysis, Wisdom, Experience, and Judgment
    • Example: Linda uses a balanced approach to decision-making. She considers data analytics, consults experienced colleagues, and applies her understanding of the industry trends to make informed choices.
    • Explanation: A well-rounded decision-making process reduces risk and enhances the likelihood of achieving desired outcomes.
  2. Includes Appropriate Stakeholders in the Decision-Making Process
    • Example: Tom ensures that all relevant stakeholders are involved in decisions that affect them. He organizes meetings to gather input and discusses potential impacts before finalizing any plans.
    • Explanation: Involving stakeholders in decision-making not only builds trust but also ensures that decisions are well-informed and broadly supported.

Leadership within the context of 360-feedback is about measuring not just the capacity to lead but also the ability to inspire, engage, and move others toward a common goal.

The above examples and explanations aim to illustrate key aspects of effective leadership that can be developed and refined over time.

examples of 360 feedback

Teamwork and Collaboration

In today’s interconnected workplace, the ability to work effectively with others is invaluable. Teamwork and collaboration are essential for achieving organizational goals and fostering a healthy work environment.

The following examples in the context of 360-degree feedback highlight important aspects of teamwork and how individuals contribute to collective success.


  1. Shares Resources and Information Willingly with Colleagues
  • Example: Julia consistently shares relevant files and resources with her team without being asked. She proactively provides updates that could impact her colleagues’ work.
  • Explanation: Willingness to share information and resources demonstrates a commitment to the team’s success and builds a culture of openness and mutual support.
  1. Works Cooperatively in Group Settings
  • Example: During projects, Mark actively seeks the opinions of others and integrates different viewpoints into the project plan. He adapts his own ideas to better fit the team’s objectives.
  • Explanation: Cooperative behavior in group settings enhances the quality of work produced and fosters a sense of unity among team members.


  1. Regularly Offers Help to Coworkers
  • Example: Sarah frequently checks in with her peers to see if they need help and often volunteers to assist others with their tasks, especially when deadlines are approaching.
  • Explanation: By offering help, an employee not only aids in alleviating others’ workloads but also promotes a helpful and supportive workplace culture.
  1. Acts as a Mentor to Newer Team Members
  • Example: Tom takes the initiative to mentor new hires by guiding them through the company’s processes and supporting them in their initial projects. He provides feedback and encouragement to help them integrate smoothly.
  • Explanation: Mentoring new team members speeds up their learning process, aids their performance, and strengthens team cohesion.

Conflict Resolution

  1. Facilitates Constructive Discussions During Disagreements
  • Example: Lisa is known for her role in calming tensions during team disagreements. She encourages open communication and helps the team focus on the issue at hand rather than personal differences.
  • Explanation: Facilitating constructive discussions prevents conflicts from escalating and helps maintain a positive team dynamic.
  1. Promotes Compromise and Consensus Building
  • Example: Whenever there is a decision to be made, James encourages everyone to voice their opinions and ideas. He seeks to find a compromise that incorporates diverse viewpoints and achieves consensus.
  • Explanation: Promoting compromise and consensus ensures decisions are fair and inclusive, enhancing team satisfaction and buy-in.

Teamwork and collaboration are about more than just working side by side; they involve actively engaging with others, sharing responsibilities, and supporting each other’s growth.

The examples provided in this section illustrate behaviors that contribute to effective teamwork and the maintenance of a collaborative team environment. By fostering these behaviors, organizations can enhance productivity and create a more harmonious workplace.

examples of 360 feedback

Problem Solving

Problem-solving skills are essential in navigating the challenges and uncertainties of the workplace.

A keen ability to address and resolve issues effectively not only enhances individual performance but also contributes to the overall success of the organization.

This section of the guide explores examples of problem-solving skills as highlighted through 360-degree feedback.

Analytical Skills

  1. Breaks Down Complex Problems into Manageable Parts
  • Example: When faced with a complex project, Angela methodically divides the task into smaller, more manageable sections, assigning clear responsibilities and deadlines for each part.
  • Explanation: This approach allows for more focused and effective problem-solving by making overwhelming tasks more accessible and easier to manage.
  1. Uses Data Effectively to Guide Decisions
  • Example: Robert consistently uses data analytics to inform decision-making processes. He gathers relevant data, interprets it accurately, and uses these insights to propose solutions.
  • Explanation: Effective use of data ensures that decisions are grounded in facts and evidence, which can lead to more successful outcomes.

Creativity and Innovation

  1. Proposes Novel Solutions During Brainstorming Sessions
  • Example: Emily often contributes unique and innovative ideas during brainstorming sessions, challenging conventional ways of thinking and encouraging the team to explore new possibilities.
  • Explanation: Introducing creative solutions can lead to breakthroughs in projects and processes, significantly improving efficiency and effectiveness.
  1. Implements Innovative Approaches to Improve Work Processes
  • Example: After noticing repeated inefficiencies in the monthly reporting process, John developed and implemented a new template that reduced the time required by 30%.
  • Explanation: Seeking innovative ways to improve work processes not only enhances productivity but also demonstrates initiative and forward-thinking.

Decision Effectiveness

  1. Evaluates Pros and Cons Before Making Decisions
  • Example: Linda systematically reviews the advantages and disadvantages of potential options before making critical decisions, ensuring she chooses the most effective path.
  • Explanation: Carefully weighing the pros and cons helps in making more informed, effective decisions that are likely to yield positive results.
  1. Quickly Identifies Core Issues in Complex Situations
  • Example: In a crisis involving a delayed product launch, Tom quickly identified the core issue to be a supply chain bottleneck and coordinated a response to address it directly.
  • Explanation: The ability to swiftly pinpoint core issues in complex situations enables faster resolution and minimizes the impact on business operations.

Problem-solving is an integral competency that impacts all aspects of business operations, from daily challenges to strategic issues.

The examples in this section demonstrate how effectively addressing problems not only requires analytical thinking and creativity but also a structured and data-driven approach to decision-making.

Cultivating these skills can significantly enhance an individual’s ability to contribute to their team and organization.

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In a fast-changing workplace, adaptability is a key trait that helps individuals and organizations thrive under varied circumstances.

Being adaptable involves adjusting to new conditions, embracing changes, and continually learning new skills.

This section provides examples of adaptability as seen in 360-degree feedback, demonstrating how this competency is crucial for resilience and growth.


  1. Adapts Strategies Quickly in Response to Changing Circumstances
  • Example: Kevin noticed a significant shift in market trends that affected his product’s performance. He quickly realigned the team’s strategy to focus on new customer needs, keeping the project relevant and competitive.
  • Explanation: The ability to swiftly adapt strategies in response to external changes ensures that projects remain viable and align with current market conditions.
  1. Handles Unexpected Situations Calmly and Effectively
  • Example: When a critical presentation tool failed minutes before a client meeting, Sandra improvised with available resources, successfully delivering the presentation using alternative methods.
  • Explanation: Remaining calm and effective in unexpected situations prevents panic, allows for clear thinking, and can lead to innovative problem-solving on the spot.

Learning Agility

  1. Quickly Learns New Tools and Technologies
  • Example: Raj was introduced to a new project management software as part of a company-wide upgrade. He not only mastered the tool quickly but also helped train his colleagues, enhancing team productivity.
  • Explanation: Embracing and quickly learning new technologies demonstrates agility and a commitment to personal and organizational growth.
  1. Applies New Knowledge to Enhance Job Performance
  • Example: After attending a workshop on data analytics, Lisa integrated her new skills into her daily work, significantly improving her reports’ accuracy and providing deeper insights that benefited her team.
  • Explanation: Actively applying new knowledge not only improves individual performance but also adds value to the team and organization.

Openness to Change

  1. Welcomes New Ideas and Approaches from Others
  • Example: Mark consistently encourages his team to bring forward new ideas and tries them out in pilot projects, showing a genuine openness to innovative approaches.
  • Explanation: Being receptive to new ideas encourages a culture of innovation and continuous improvement within the team.
  1. Adjusts to New Roles and Responsibilities with Ease
  • Example: When promoted to a managerial role, Emily quickly adapted to her new responsibilities, effectively managing her team’s dynamics and significantly improving their project turnaround time.
  • Explanation: Adapting swiftly to new roles shows a professional’s versatility and readiness to take on higher responsibilities, which is crucial for career advancement.

Adaptability is essential for maintaining effectiveness in an evolving work environment. It involves not only adjusting to new circumstances but also proactively embracing changes and learning from them.

The examples provided here illustrate how adaptability manifests in various scenarios, underscoring its importance in both personal and organizational contexts.

This competency is a valuable asset that enables individuals to navigate challenges and seize opportunities effectively.

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Integrity and Ethics

Integrity and ethics are foundational to building trust and credibility in any professional environment.

These principles guide behavior and decision-making, ensuring that actions align with the values and standards of the organization. This section highlights how integrity and ethics can be assessed and fostered through 360-degree feedback.


  1. Handles Sensitive Information with Discretion
  • Example: Alice is known for her strict confidentiality with sensitive company data. She ensures that access to sensitive information is restricted and properly secured.
  • Explanation: Demonstrating discretion in handling sensitive information builds trust among colleagues and clients, reinforcing a reputation for reliability and integrity.
  1. Acts Consistently with Organizational Values Even Under Pressure
  • Example: During a high-stakes negotiation, Bob adhered to the company’s ethical guidelines, despite facing pressure to compromise on these standards to close the deal.
  • Explanation: Maintaining organizational values under pressure showcases a strong commitment to ethics and sets a positive example for others.


  1. Treats All Employees and Colleagues Equally
  • Example: Janet consistently applies the same rules and standards to every member of her team, regardless of their personal relationship or status within the company.
  • Explanation: Fair treatment of all employees fosters a sense of equity and respect, which is crucial for maintaining morale and productivity.
  1. Applies Rules and Policies Impartially
  • Example: Tom enforces workplace policies impartially, applying the same disciplinary measures to all employees who violate company protocols, including those in higher positions.
  • Explanation: Impartial application of rules and policies reinforces the principles of justice and equality in the workplace, promoting a culture of accountability.

Ethical Decision-Making

  1. Makes Decisions Based on Fairness and Honesty
  • Example: Sarah faced a dilemma where she could have favored a long-time vendor for a contract despite receiving a more competitive bid from a newcomer. She chose the newcomer, prioritizing fairness and the company’s best interests.
  • Explanation: Making decisions based on fairness and honesty ensures that business operations are conducted ethically, enhancing the organization’s reputation.
  1. Refuses to Participate in Unethical Practices
  • Example: Kevin was offered confidential information from a competitor that would have benefited his project. He refused to accept the information and reported the incident to his superiors.
  • Explanation: Standing firm against unethical practices demonstrates a strong moral compass and adherence to ethical standards, which are critical for sustainable business practices.

Integrity and ethics are not just about adhering to laws and regulations; they represent a core set of values that influence every action and decision in the workplace.

By providing examples of how individuals can uphold these values, this section of the guide aims to inspire and cultivate a workplace environment where ethics and integrity are practiced consistently and visibly.

This not only enhances individual character but also contributes to the overall ethical climate of the organization.

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Performance Management

Performance management is a key aspect of organizational success, encompassing the processes used to identify, encourage, measure, evaluate, improve, and reward employee performance.

Effective performance management not only boosts productivity but also aligns individual achievements with organizational goals.

Here, we examine how 360-degree feedback highlights competencies related to performance management.

Goal Setting

  1. Sets Realistic and Challenging Goals for the Team
  • Example: Jennifer consistently sets clear, achievable, yet challenging goals for her team, ensuring each member understands their targets and the role these play in the broader company strategy.
  • Explanation: Setting realistic and challenging goals motivates team members to stretch their capabilities while aligning their efforts with the organization’s objectives.
  1. Regularly Reviews and Adjusts Goals as Needed
  • Example: Every quarter, Mike reviews the team’s progress towards current goals and makes adjustments based on new market conditions or organizational priorities.
  • Explanation: Regularly reviewing and adjusting goals ensures that the team remains focused and adaptive to changing organizational needs or external pressures.

Feedback Provision

  1. Provides Constructive and Timely Feedback to Colleagues
  • Example: Laura offers timely and constructive feedback after each project completion, focusing on specific areas of performance and providing actionable suggestions for improvement.
  • Explanation: Timely and constructive feedback is crucial for continuous improvement and helps individuals understand how they can enhance their performance in future tasks.
  1. Balances Positive and Constructive Feedback
  • Example: Daniel excels at providing balanced feedback, recognizing and celebrating his team’s achievements while also addressing areas that require improvement.
  • Explanation: Balancing positive reinforcement with constructive criticism encourages a positive work atmosphere and promotes personal and professional growth among team members.

Employee Development

  1. Encourages Professional Growth and Development
  • Example: Susan allocates budget and time for her team members to attend relevant training and workshops, supporting their continuous professional development.
  • Explanation: Encouraging ongoing learning and development not only enhances individual skills but also boosts overall team capability and adaptability.
  1. Identifies and Cultivates Potential in Employees
  • Example: Mark has a keen eye for spotting potential in his team members. He tailors development plans to individual strengths and career aspirations, helping them progress toward leadership roles.
  • Explanation: Actively identifying and nurturing employee potential fosters a pipeline of talent within the organization, crucial for long-term sustainability and leadership continuity.

Recognition and Rewards

  1. Recognizes and Rewards Excellent Performance
  • Example: Emma makes it a point to publicly acknowledge outstanding contributions during team meetings and ties these recognitions to specific rewards, such as bonuses or promotions.
  • Explanation: Recognizing and rewarding excellent performance not only motivates the recipient but also sets a benchmark for excellence within the team.
  1. Ensures Fairness in Recognition and Reward Systems
  • Example: Tom implements a transparent method for tracking contributions and ensures that rewards are distributed based on performance metrics, maintaining fairness across the board.
  • Explanation: Fair and transparent reward systems reinforce the meritocracy within the organization, ensuring that employees feel valued and treated equitably.

Performance management is a comprehensive process that involves setting goals, providing feedback, facilitating development, and recognizing achievements.

Through the examples in this section, this guide illustrates how effective performance management practices can drive employee engagement, improve organizational outcomes, and align individual performance with broader strategic goals.

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Personal Effectiveness

Personal effectiveness encompasses the skills and behaviors that enable an individual to manage their tasks, responsibilities, and goals efficiently and effectively.

This crucial competency area directly impacts productivity, satisfaction, and overall success in the workplace.

Through 360-degree feedback, strengths and areas for improvement in personal effectiveness can be highlighted and addressed. Here are examples showcasing different aspects of personal effectiveness.


  1. Manages Own Time and Priorities Effectively
  • Example: Chloe consistently meets deadlines and manages her schedule effectively, ensuring she prioritizes tasks according to their urgency and importance.
  • Explanation: Effective time management is fundamental to personal effectiveness, helping individuals complete tasks efficiently while maintaining high-quality work.
  1. Demonstrates Self-Discipline and Ability to Work Independently
  • Example: Even in remote work settings, Alex maintains high productivity levels, adheres to his work schedule, and meets all his performance targets without direct supervision.
  • Explanation: Self-discipline and the ability to work independently are critical in today’s flexible work environments, indicating strong personal accountability and professionalism.

Stress Management

  1. Maintains Composure and Effectiveness Under Pressure
  • Example: During a critical project phase, Sarah remained calm and focused, effectively managing her stress and encouraging her team to stay on track.
  • Explanation: The ability to handle stress and maintain composure under pressure ensures sustained productivity and is crucial during challenging periods.
  1. Uses Stress-Reduction Techniques to Manage Workloads
  • Example: Tom regularly practices mindfulness exercises during breaks to manage his stress, helping him stay focused and energized throughout the day.
  • Explanation: Employing stress-reduction techniques can improve overall well-being and performance, especially in high-demand situations.


  1. Adjusts Quickly to New Tasks and Environments
  • Example: When transferred to a new department, Lisa quickly adapted to the new work environment and responsibilities, showing flexibility and a positive attitude.
  • Explanation: Being adaptable to change is a key element of personal effectiveness, helping individuals thrive in various settings and roles.
  1. Embraces New Methods and Technologies for Efficiency
  • Example: Kevin eagerly learns new software tools introduced by his company to enhance productivity, often becoming a resource for colleagues needing assistance.
  • Explanation: Embracing new methods and technologies demonstrates a proactive approach to personal and organizational improvement.

Decision Making

  1. Makes Informed Decisions Based on a Balanced Consideration of Facts and Experience
  • Example: Emily consistently makes well-informed decisions by researching background information, analyzing data, and drawing from her extensive experience.
  • Explanation: Effective decision making involves a careful balance of facts, analysis, and personal experience to achieve the best outcomes.
  1. Consistently Aligns Decisions with Personal and Organizational Values
  • Example: Mark makes decisions that not only advance his personal career goals but also align with the company’s values and ethics, promoting integrity in his work.
  • Explanation: Aligning decisions with personal and organizational values fosters trust and ensures long-term success and alignment with business strategies.

Personal effectiveness is about maximizing one’s efficiency and impact in their role. The examples provided in this section illustrate how individuals can enhance their performance by managing themselves and their responsibilities skillfully.

Effective personal management not only contributes to individual success but also significantly impacts the wider team and organization.

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Cultural Competence With 360 Feedback

Cultural competence is increasingly vital in today’s globalized and diverse work environment. It involves understanding, respecting, and effectively interacting with people across different cultures.

This competency enables organizations to harness a wide range of perspectives and approaches, enhancing creativity and problem-solving capabilities.

Here are examples that illustrate how cultural competence can be assessed and developed through 360-degree feedback.

Diversity and Inclusion

  1. Actively Promotes an Inclusive Workplace
  • Example: Maria consistently advocates for inclusive practices within her team, such as ensuring diverse hiring panels and organizing training sessions on unconscious bias.
  • Explanation: Promoting an inclusive workplace not only enhances team cohesion but also attracts and retains top talent from diverse backgrounds, enriching the organization’s culture and output.
  1. Respects Cultural Differences and Works Effectively Across Those Differences
  • Example: During international project meetings, John actively seeks input from global team members and shows consideration for cultural differences in communication styles and decision-making processes.
  • Explanation: Respecting and effectively navigating cultural differences ensures productive collaborations and leverages diverse viewpoints, which are crucial for global success.

Global Perspective

  1. Understands and Considers Global Trends in Decision-Making
  • Example: Linda incorporates global economic indicators and trends into her strategic planning sessions, ensuring that her decisions are informed by current and relevant international contexts.
  • Explanation: A global perspective in decision-making helps align local actions with worldwide trends, enhancing the organization’s competitive edge on a global scale.
  1. Adapts Communication Style to Fit Different Cultural Contexts
  • Example: Alex, when communicating with colleagues from different parts of the world, adjusts his communication style — whether it’s more direct or indirect — based on cultural norms to enhance understanding and rapport.
  • Explanation: Adapting communication styles according to cultural norms prevents misunderstandings and builds stronger, more respectful relationships across borders.

Language Skills

  1. Learns and Uses Key Phrases in Another Language to Build Rapport
  • Example: Sarah took the initiative to learn basic greetings and common phrases in Spanish to better communicate with her South American counterparts, showing respect and effort to connect personally.
  • Explanation: Learning key phrases in another language demonstrates respect and effort towards building genuine interpersonal connections, which can significantly enhance working relationships.
  1. Seeks Cultural Insights to Improve Engagement and Collaboration
  • Example: Tom regularly participates in workshops and cultural exchange programs to deepen his understanding of the cultural backgrounds of his team members, using this knowledge to foster a more engaging and collaborative environment.
  • Explanation: Gaining deeper cultural insights can improve engagement and teamwork by making interactions more meaningful and adapted to diverse needs.

Cultural competence is not just about awareness but about actively applying understanding in everyday interactions and decisions.

The examples in this section demonstrate how individuals can cultivate and apply this competency to enhance their effectiveness in a multicultural and global workplace.

By fostering cultural competence, organizations not only improve their operational effectiveness but also contribute to a more inclusive and harmonious work environment.

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